Reconnaissance have just published a new report “Smartphones for Authentication”. The aim of this presentation is to illustrate the value of the report to the Holography community and highlight the key areas that are of interest. The presentation will cover 3 topic areas.

* At the 2017 conference it was noted that manufacturers were placing too much emphasis on smartphone authentication for holograms in security – customers wanted more emphasis on eye visible features. The report and presentation will illustrate how smartphones can support these needs using a banknote example.

* The camera systems in smartphones are now evolving machine vision capabilities. The presentation will explore hologram replay opportunities in this area, leading to near IR replay and gesture recognition utility.

* The final section will place emphasis on where this could lead in terms of smart glasses as a smartphone replacement and the significant opportunities this could bring to the holography community. HOEs as an optical element and the opportunities for hologram validation from stereo cameras. This effectively brings us back full circle to “eye visible features”.